About Us

Welcome to Metta digital platform , a sanctuary of wisdom and serenity dedicated to exploring the profound teachings of Buddha, unraveling the sacred stories embedded in Buddhist sites, and capturing the essence of enlightenment through captivating documentaries.

Our Mission

At Metta, we embark on a journey to share the timeless teachings of Buddha that illuminate the path to inner peace, compassion, and mindfulness. Our mission is to bring the profound wisdom of Buddhism to the digital realm, making it accessible to seekers and enthusiasts worldwide.

Unveiling Sacred Sites

Embark on a virtual pilgrimage with us as we uncover the mystique surrounding sacred Buddhist sites. From the serene landscapes of Bodh Gaya, where Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment, to the ancient ruins of Nalanda, witness the echoes of ancient wisdom that resonate through these hallowed grounds.

Illuminating Buddha's Teachings

Dive deep into the ocean of Buddha's teachings, exploring the Dharma that forms the foundation of Buddhism. Through insightful articles, discussions, and reflections, we strive to unravel the profound messages that continue to guide seekers on the path to awakening.


Enhancing our journey are captivating documentaries that weave together the threads of history, spirituality, and culture. Immerse yourself in visual narratives that bring to life the stories of great masters, the evolution of Buddhist philosophy, and the enduring legacy of this ancient tradition.

We invite you to be a part of our community, where the exchange of ideas and experiences enriches our collective understanding. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious soul taking the rst steps on the Eightfold Path, your attendance is a space for everyone seeking inspiration and enlightenment.

Embark on this transformative journey with us as we explore the intersections of Buddhist wisdom, sacred sites, and the cinematic artistry that brings it all to life.